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Swing Quick set pool for kids

Kod: 3EXB0162
In stock (>50 PC)
>Two layers of very durable PVC plastic with strong polyester inner mesh between layers of PVC. Pool is not designed for a Filtration system and does not have any holes on the sidewalls. Suction and return fittings not included.

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Opis produktu jest niedostępny

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pools
Waga: 1.64 kg
Colour: pink
Approximate set-up size: 1,52 x 0,38 m
Water capacity (80%): 0,401 m³
Weight: 13,95 kg / 6 case pack in box
Filter pump: -
Size of box: 50 x 34 x 34 cm
Pcs on palette 120 x 80 x 180 cm: 120
Full truck: 3 960 pcs / color box

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