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Swing Pool Elite Wicker Frame 4,27 m x 1,07 m

Kod: 3EXB0195
In stock (>50 PC)
Two layers of very durable PVC plastic with strong polyester inner mesh between layers of PVC. Liner with two small round holes on the side to attach suction and return fittings. Suction and return fittings included.

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Opis produktu jest niedostępny

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pools
Waga: 49.12 kg
Approximate set-up size: 4,27 m x 1,07 m
Water capacity (80%): 13 m³
Weight: 50,44 kg
Filter pump: -
Size of box: 65 x 29 x 100 cm
Product weight: 49,12Kg
Package dimensions: 30x60x100cm

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