Tylko B2B - zarejestruj swoją firmę, aby otrzymać pełne korzyści (stania się naszym partnerem biznesowym)

Solar heating panel 1,8m² - 0.6 x 3.0m (no valve, included fittings)

Kod: 3EXX0159
In stock (>50 PC)

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Extend your annual bathing season for up to seven months of comfortable relaxation, fun and sports in pleasantly warm water!

Solar heaters use the energy of the sun to provide heat for the pool water. This increases the water temperature by up to 6 °C for free. The flow-through solar panels connected to the filter circuit can be connected in series to further increase efficiency. Their installation is simple and quick.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pool accessories
Waga: 3 kg
Product weight: 3Kg
Package dimensions: 40x40x90cm

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