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Roofing Poolhouse for inflatable spas and swing pools

Kod: 3EXX0632
In stock (>50 PC)

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

The brand Pool House universal roofing is suitable for all types of whirlpool baths and pools up to 4.57 m in diameter, both above ground and recessed. By using the roofing you will significantly reduce evaporation of the pool water and thus keep it warmer longer.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pool accessories
Waga: 12.32 kg
Size: 4,33 x 5 m
Height: 2,5 m
Suitable for: inflatable spas and swing pools
Shape: hexagon
Product weight: 12,32Kg
Package dimensions: 20x20x80cm

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