Tylko B2B - zarejestruj swoją firmę, aby otrzymać pełne korzyści (stania się naszym partnerem biznesowym)

METAL FRAME OVAL POOL - 6.10 x 3.66 x 1.22 m with filter pump 12V - 3.8 m3,folding step, cover and ground cloth

Kod: 3EXB0569
In stock (>50 PC)
Strong metal frame tube Durable 3-ply PVC Toughmesh material

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Pool Swing Oval Design wood 610x366x120.

Enjoy all the benefits of a pool with ease thanks to the swing oval pool style gray wood.

With a depth of 1.20m, the quality design and robustness of the Swing tubular pool allow you an above-ground installation.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pools
Waga: 15 kg
Approximate set-up size: 6,1 x 3,66 x 1,22 m
Water capacity (80%): 20,2 m3
Weight: 96,10 kg
Ladder: with ladder
Accessories: cover Filter pump
Size of box: 61,5 x 52,5 x 153 cm
Pcs on palette 120 x 80 x 180 cm: 3
Product weight: 15Kg
Package dimensions: 0x0x0cm

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