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Kayak Cove Champion

Kod: 3EXX0443
In stock (>50 PC)

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Inflatable kayak has an adjustable seat with backrest. It includes a rope for securing luggage front and back and locking valves for quick release and has a repair kit included.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pool accessories
Waga: 1 kg
Number of persons: 1
Max. load capacity: 100 kg
Weight: 10,7 kg
Dimensions: 2,75 x 81 cm
Material: durable PVC
Repair patch: included
Hand pump: included
Aluminium paddle: included
Removable fin: for directional stability
Storage cord: included (front and back)
Product weight: 1Kg
Package dimensions: 20x40x80cm

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