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Deluxe Maintenance Kit

Kod: 3EXX0447
In stock (>50 PC)

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Product description Intex Deluxe Maintenance Kit

Intex deluxe maintenance kit with aluminium telescopic pole measuring 279 cm.
The kit comes with a wall brush, a net for collecting leaves, a vacuum with two nozzles and a hose with a connector at the end.
Requires filter pump with a minimum flow rate of 3 785 l / h
Attaches to the outlet connector in the pool with a 7,5 m hose

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pool accessories
Waga: 1 kg
Attaches to the outlet connector in the pool with a 7,5 m hose:
Product weight: 1Kg
Package dimensions: 10x30x110cm

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