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Azuro De Luxe ladder 3-steps - for pool up to 1.30m height

Kod: 3EXX0410
In stock (>50 PC)

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Azuro pool ladders are important for your comfortable and safe entry into the pool. We offer steps for all Azuro inflatable and frame pools with heights from 0.9 m to 1.22 m. The steps are made of high-quality galvanized steel, painted tubes and hardened plastic components. For those who care about maximum safety, we have a range of steps with enhanced safety features such as a removable front section to prevent unwanted entry into the pool.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pool accessories
Waga: 12.5 kg
Steps: 3
For pool: up to 1,3 m height
Material: varnished galvanized steel / ABS plastic
Packing: 179 x 51 x 6 cm / 14 kg
Product weight: 12,5Kg
Package dimensions: 10x50x180cm

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