Tylko B2B - zarejestruj swoją firmę, aby otrzymać pełne korzyści (stania się naszym partnerem biznesowym)

Azuro 240 - 2.4 x 0.9m, BLUE / WHITE - with skimfilter 2000, without holes

Kod: 3EXB0147
In stock (>50 PC)

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

The most desired type of above ground family pools! They have a highly durable wall made of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet with reliable multi-layer corrosion protection. The unique design provides the possibility of inexpensive and easy implementation in any garden, even without the need for excavation or concreting.

Thanks to the unique design, the pool can be installed on the surface, partially recessed or completely recessed, even into a slope. You can handle the easy implementation yourself in just one day! You can choose the ideal design to suit your garden and your ideas. They are made in the Czech Republic and have an exceptionally long service life thanks to their high-quality materials and precise workmanship.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pools
Waga: 25.7 kg
Capacity: 4 m³
Filter: skimfilter 2000
Liner: lagoon 0,225 mm
Ladder: 3st-ladder
Package dimensions: 90x40x40cm
Product weight: 25,7 kg

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